Friday, July 22, 2011

Some quote-worthy quotes

In my quest to figure out what the heck I did on all those trips to Budapest that have obviously been purged from my memory, I went back and scoured my book for those events. I can somewhat remember intentionally leaving out a lot about Budapest - I wanted to try to stay away from the "went here/saw this" that made up a lot of my daily diaries. I wanted a nice mix of stories that captured my life that year and were somewhat entertaining and novel for the reader. The only substantial entry seemed to be when my former P&G co-workers came to visit us for the week. Still not much there but it covered a couple of highlights like the Opera, Turkish Baths, and video arcades (seriously). However there were a couple of quotes, attributed to my old friend Dave Worth, but just as likely to have been said by anyone (or not at all) that I thought would be fun to share. The first one my only be funny to me cause I can hear Dave's sarcastic voice in my head when it was suggested that he and I leave the shopping expedition the female-folk in our group had taken us on. His supposed reply was:
“I don’t know Mike, there might be some lace in the next shop that is better than the lace we saw in the last two shops.”

Later, when explaining our plans of "not much" for their stay with us in Jaszbereny, he was reported as saying:
"Sleeping, reading, eating, and walking around town. All your basic vacation groups."
This last quote seems to be summing up our current trip and I'm pretty happy with that.

P.S. The picture to the right is one of Anonymous. A statue in city park in Budapest that I definitely remember (YEAH!). I made up a tradition that writer's who touch his pen would have good luck.

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