Saturday, July 15, 2017

And then I found out it was made of people!!!

Just a little Solyent Green click bait. Read previous post, better pictures.

Going to keep it short (and parenthical) today. The picture is a local delicacy from the Panaderia below my hostel. Essentially cake with a small cream center - their version of a Krispy Kreme. (Not really, but I had to make a Winston-Salem Reference - speaking of which - shout out to my sister - I met a Welsh guy who worked at Camp Cheerio - although probably this century - ouch).

Great wandering in San Sebastián. Swimming in ocean. Good Grisham novel in Kindle (thank you Seattle Library). Multiple glorious walks on beach. More Pintxos later tonight (I had a Foie a la plancha last night that almost made me cry).

They are setting up for the Jazz Festival. Sadly I'll be gone. Off to Bilbao tomorrow (Perhaps Samwise Gamgee the next day?)


Jen Worth said...

Bilbao & make me laugh!

Unknown said...

Nice to get mentioned...even if sort of in a cruel way. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Just got up and saw a mama deer and the tiniest fawn ever. Good way to start a birthday. Your time at the coast sounds amazing! WISH I WAS THERE!!!